Monday, March 4, 2013

Tech-Free Hamlet: Danish Scene Starters

In this pre-reading activity, students work in small groups to create scenes based on situations that are loosely based on conflicts in the play. Through this, Students begin to internalize the complexity of characters, conflicts, and character motivation. It also helps to universalize the themes.

Danish Scene Starters:                                                                                             

  • The scene is a wedding reception. This is the second marriage of the new bride. The bride’s son, a young man, does not approve of this marriage. How might conflict arise at the reception?
  • A young man or woman is mourning the loss of his or her father who died suddenly and unexpectedly.  The son or daughter has friends trying to cheer him up. How might this cause conflict?
  • A young man or woman is investigating the mysterious death of his or her father. All official reports on the death ruled it an accident, but the child and his or her friends suspect foul play. What do they discover?  What do they do about it?

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