Monday, March 4, 2013

Tech-Free Hamlet: Creative Project

This project isn't necessarily technology-free, but it can be, and often is.

Hamlet: the Creative Project!

Here’s a chance to flex your creative muscles and show your intimate and insightful knowledge of this most grand of plays.

The assignment is broad and straightforward:  use a talent or interest to creatively demonstrate your knowledge of the play.  You need to propose the project, and I need to approve it in advance, but I’m pretty flexible on what I accept, given the parameters of the expectations.

You may work alone, or with others. However, you must be able to clearly justify the significance of each member of your group. This has caused some groups difficulty in the past, as the whole group loses points if one person is clearly riding the coattails of the rest.

Speaking of points:

Proposal:  Due  (in writing) 10 points

Final project  - Due Creativity / Effort:  30 points
Demonstration of Hamlet knowledge: 30 points
Written description of project and members’ roles:  20 points

Previous Projects have included:

Video re-creations of key scenes, modernizations / adaptations on film (i.e. “Hamlet at Walnut,” “Hillbilly Hamlet,”) re-creations as another film / book / TV show (i.e. Hamlet as “Revenge” or “Harry Potter Hamlet”), scenes re-written in slang / modern American English, Hamlet on Facebook, memorized soliloquies, Scenes acted out in class, puppet shows, Ophelia’s poetry, interpretive dance, original music / lyrics, paintings, elaborate drawings, mosaics, Hamlet Rap, Jerry Springer Hamlet, etc., etc., etc…….. The point is to show a sophisticated understanding of the play while being creative…and for goodness’ sake, have some fun with this!

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